Roth Heating & Air: Your Solution for Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Indoor Air Pollutants

When it comes to ensuring the health and comfort of your home, understanding and maintaining indoor air quality in Wichita should be a top priority. At Roth Heating & Air, we recognize the challenges that homeowners face in combating indoor pollutants. From allergens and dust mites to chemical vapors, these invisible invaders can significantly impact your family’s health. Fortunately, with the right strategies and solutions, you can create a healthier indoor environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore common indoor air pollutants and how your HVAC system, along with other measures, can play a crucial role in mitigating them.

Identifying Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Navigating the variety of pollutants that compromise indoor air quality is crucial for creating a healthier living environment. Common offenders include pollen, which can sneak into homes through open windows and doors, creating challenges for those with allergies. Dust mites and pet dander find refuge in soft surfaces like carpets and furniture, contributing to respiratory problems. Mold spores flourish in moist areas, posing serious health risks when left unchecked. Tobacco smoke, with its persistent nature, embeds itself in household fabrics, affecting air quality long after the smoke clears. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), released from everyday household items such as paints and cleaning products, add another layer of complexity to indoor pollution. Recognizing these pollutants forms the foundation for taking proactive steps towards cleaner, healthier indoor air.

How Your HVAC System Can Combat Indoor Pollutants

Leveraging your HVAC system is a pivotal strategy in the quest to purify your home’s atmosphere. A cornerstone of this approach is the diligent maintenance of air filters—this not only optimizes performance but acts as a barrier against pollutants. Investing in High-Efficiency filters can elevate this barrier, trapping finer particles that evade standard filters and significantly enhancing the air you breathe. The integration of air purifiers or cleaners within your HVAC setup offers targeted defense against stubborn contaminants such as VOCs, which emanate from common household items. These systems work in concert to not only filter but also circulate cleaner air throughout your living spaces. Roth Heating & Air possesses the expertise to evaluate and refine your HVAC infrastructure, ensuring it becomes a robust shield against indoor air pollutants. Through careful assessment and the implementation of advanced solutions, we empower your system to maintain a healthier, more breathable indoor environment, effectively reducing the presence of harmful particles and gasses in your home.

The Importance of Proper Ventilation

Ventilation plays a vital role in the battle against indoor air pollution, especially in the face of modern construction practices that seal homes tightly to enhance energy efficiency. This sealing process can trap pollutants inside, leading to degraded air quality over time. Introducing fresh outdoor air through proper ventilation systems can significantly mitigate this issue. These systems work by exchanging stale, polluted indoor air with cleaner outdoor air, thereby diluting the concentrations of indoor pollutants and reducing moisture levels, which is crucial in preventing mold and mildew growth. Roth Heating & Air provides expert guidance on implementing effective ventilation strategies that align with your HVAC system. This ensures a continuous supply of fresh air, contributing to a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment. By assessing your home’s specific needs, we can recommend the best ventilation solutions to complement your HVAC system, enhancing its efficiency in purifying your home’s air.

Tailoring Solutions to Your Home

Crafting a personalized approach to enhancing indoor air quality is vital, as each residence has its own set of variables to consider. Roth Heating & Air excels in analyzing these factors — from the structural aspects of your dwelling to the distinct climate conditions of Wichita. Whether your household includes individuals with specific health sensitivities or you’re contending with the architectural idiosyncrasies of an older home, our expertise allows us to devise a tailored plan. This bespoke strategy may involve updating your current HVAC system for improved efficiency, integrating cutting-edge air purification technologies, or optimizing your living space’s ventilation to ensure a fresh air exchange. By focusing on the unique challenges and requirements of your home, we’re committed to implementing solutions that target and diminish indoor air pollutants, fostering a cleaner and more wholesome environment for you and your family.

Tips for Homeowners to Maintain Indoor Air Quality

To further enhance the air quality in your home, taking proactive measures beyond your HVAC system is beneficial. Regular household tasks can significantly impact the reduction of indoor pollutants. For instance, frequent vacuuming with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner can capture a vast amount of dust mites and pet dander, mitigating their effect on your living space. Additionally, choosing natural, eco-friendly cleaning products over traditional, chemical-based ones can substantially decrease the level of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in your home. Paying attention to humidity levels is another crucial step; using dehumidifiers in high moisture areas can prevent the growth of mold and mildew. It’s also wise to keep an eye on the condition of your HVAC’s air filters, changing them as recommended to ensure they continue to effectively remove pollutants from the air. By incorporating these simple yet effective practices, you can contribute to maintaining a cleaner, healthier indoor environment, complementing the advanced solutions provided by Roth Heating & Air.

Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips
for Wichita Homeowners with
Roth Heating & Air

Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips

As a homeowner in Wichita, you rely on your HVAC system to keep your family comfortable throughout the year. However, unexpected emergencies can arise, leaving you without heating or cooling when you need it most. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for these situations. As the leading experts in HVAC in Wichita, Roth Heating & Air is here to help you navigate through emergency preparedness for your HVAC system. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips to ensure you’re ready for any potential HVAC emergencies in the future.

Understanding The Importance of HVAC Emergency Preparedness

Understanding the importance of HVAC emergency preparedness is crucial for Wichita homeowners. When unexpected heating or cooling emergencies occur, having a plan in place can minimize stress and discomfort. As a trusted heating and air company, Roth Heating & Air knows the significance of residential heating and the impact it has on your family’s well-being. In this section, we’ll discuss why being prepared for HVAC emergencies is essential and how it can save you time, money, and inconvenience in the long run.

Regular Maintenance is Key to HVAC Emergency Prevention

Regular maintenance is crucial when it comes to preventing HVAC emergencies. By partnering with a trusted heating and air company like Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure that your system is regularly inspected and maintained. Regular maintenance not only helps identify potential issues before they become emergencies but also extends the lifespan of your residential heating system. Don’t wait for a breakdown to happen, prioritize regular maintenance to keep your HVAC system running smoothly all year round.

Keeping a Close Eye on Your HVAC System

Regularly monitoring your HVAC system is crucial to catching potential issues before they escalate. As a homeowner in Wichita and the surrounding area, it’s important to stay proactive in maintaining the comfort of your home. Keep an eye out for any unusual noises, odors, or fluctuations in temperature. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact your trusted heating and air company, like Roth Heating & Air, for a thorough inspection. By staying vigilant, you can ensure your residential heating system is operating at its best and avoid any unexpected emergencies.

Investing in a Backup HVAC System

When it comes to HVAC emergencies, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Investing in a backup HVAC system can provide peace of mind and ensure that you have heating or cooling when you need it most. Whether it’s a portable unit or a generator that powers your main system, having a backup can be a game-changer during unexpected breakdowns or extreme weather conditions. Don’t let an HVAC emergency leave you without comfort. Take the initiative to invest in a backup HVAC system and be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Planning for Extreme Weather Conditions

With the unpredictable weather patterns that can hit Wichita, it’s important to plan for extreme weather conditions and how they can impact your HVAC system. Severe heat waves or freezing temperatures can put a strain on your system and increase the risk of a breakdown. To prepare, make sure to have your HVAC system inspected and serviced before extreme weather hits. Additionally, consider investing in weatherproofing measures, such as insulation or window coverings, to help your HVAC system maintain a comfortable temperature during these challenging conditions. Don’t let extreme weather catch you off guard, be prepared and keep your home comfortable all year round.

Emergency HVAC Service Contracts for Peace of Mind

Emergency HVAC service contracts provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away during an HVAC emergency. With a service contract from Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure prompt and reliable service from our experienced technicians. These contracts often include priority scheduling, discounted rates, and regular maintenance visits to prevent emergencies. By investing in an emergency service contract, you can rest easy knowing that your HVAC system will be taken care of in the event of an unexpected breakdown or issue.


Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

As the freezing winter weather sets in, we often turn to our trusty heater to keep us warm and cozy. However, did you know that the humidity levels in your home can also play a crucial role in your overall comfort? That’s right, having the right amount of moisture in the air can make a significant difference in how comfortable you feel indoors during the colder months. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of humidity control and how it can enhance your winter comfort. Plus, we’ll share how our furnace installation, when paired with a whole house humidifier, can help regulate humidity levels in your home.

Understanding the Basics of Humidity and Its Role in Your Home’s Comfort

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture or water vapor present in the air. Understanding humidity is crucial when it comes to creating a comfortable indoor environment. Did you know that low humidity levels can lead to dry skin, respiratory issues, and even damage to wooden furniture and flooring? On the other hand, high humidity can promote the growth of mold and mildew, leading to health problems and structural damage. At Roth Heating & Air, we know the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels in your home. In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the impact of winter on indoor humidity levels and why it’s crucial to find the right balance.

Impact of Winter on Indoor Humidity Levels

During the winter months, the cold air outside holds less moisture, which can lead to low humidity levels indoors. This lack of humidity can have several negative effects on your comfort and health. Dry skin, irritated sinuses, and increased susceptibility to cold and flu viruses are just a few of the issues that can arise. Additionally, low humidity can cause wooden furniture and flooring to dry out and crack. That’s where Roth Heating & Air comes in. Our HVAC systems can help regulate indoor humidity levels if installed with a whole house humidifier, ensuring that you stay comfortable and healthy throughout the winter season.

Role of HVAC Systems in Regulating Humidity Levels

In order to maintain perfect humidity levels in your home during the winter, it’s important to rely on your furnace and humidifier. HVAC systems with a humidifier play a significant part in regulating humidity by controlling the amount of moisture in the air. These systems can help to increase or decrease humidity levels as needed, ensuring that your indoor environment remains comfortable and healthy. By properly maintaining your HVAC system with humidifier, and regularly scheduling maintenance checks, you can ensure that it continues to effectively regulate humidity throughout the winter months. Trust in your HVAC system to create the perfect balance of moisture in the air, allowing you to enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all season long.

​​Tips for Ensuring Your Heater Works Efficiently in Low Humidity Conditions

When the humidity levels drop during the winter months, it’s important to take steps to ensure that your heater works efficiently. One simple tip is to use a humidifier in conjunction with your heater. Adding moisture to the air can help alleviate the dryness and make your home feel more comfortable. Additionally, make sure to properly insulate your home to prevent drafts and maintain a consistent temperature. This will help your heater work more efficiently and reduce energy consumption. Lastly, remember to regularly clean and replace your HVAC filters to ensure proper airflow and prevent dust buildup. And, don’t forget to have the humidifier serviced annually to ensure proper humidifier performance. By following these tips, you can maximize the efficiency of your heater and enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all winter long.

Feeling Chilly This Winter? Upgrade Your HVAC System with These Winter Comfort Solutions!

Feeling Chilly This Winter? Upgrade Your HVAC System with These Winter Comfort Solutions!

As the temperatures continue to drop and the chill of winter sets in, many homeowners are starting to feel the effects of an outdated or inefficient HVAC system. If you find yourself constantly shivering despite cranking up the heat, it may be time to consider upgrading your furnace. But don’t worry, finding a reliable furnace dealer near you is easier than you think. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top HVAC system upgrades that can help keep you warm and cozy all winter long. Say goodbye to chilly nights and hello to ultimate comfort with these winter solutions for your furnace near me.

Understanding the Importance of a Properly Functioning HVAC System in Winter

Winter is a challenging time for homeowners, and having a properly functioning HVAC system is crucial. A malfunctioning or outdated system can leave you shivering and uncomfortable throughout the season. That’s why it’s important to invest in upgrades that will keep your home warm and cozy. Roth Heating & Air understands the importance of a reliable HVAC system, and we are here to help you find the best solutions for your winter comfort needs. Let’s dive into the various upgrades you can consider to ensure a comfortable winter season.

Exploring Advanced Thermostats for Optimum Indoor Temperature

When it comes to achieving the perfect indoor temperature during the winter, advanced thermostats can be a game-changer. With innovative features and smart technology, these thermostats allow you to have complete control over your home’s heating system. Roth Heating & Air understands the importance of comfort and convenience, which is why we offer a wide range of advanced thermostats that can help you achieve optimum indoor temperature. From programmable thermostats to Wi-Fi enabled ones, we have the perfect solution for your winter comfort needs. Upgrade your HVAC system with an advanced thermostat from Roth Heating & Air and say goodbye to chilly nights for good.

Energy-Efficient Heating Options for Sustainable Comfort

Looking for ways to stay warm and cozy this winter while also being environmentally conscious? Look no further than energy-efficient heating options. These sustainable solutions not only provide reliable warmth but also help reduce your carbon footprint. From high-efficiency furnaces to geothermal heat pumps, there are a variety of options available to suit your needs. By upgrading to energy-efficient heating, you can stay comfortable all winter long while making a positive impact on the environment. Stay warm and eco-friendly with these sustainable heating options for ultimate winter comfort.

Pro Tips for Keeping Your HVAC System Running Smoothly Throughout Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for HVAC systems, but with these pro tips, you can ensure your system runs smoothly all season long. First, make sure to regularly clean or replace air filters to maintain optimal airflow. Second, schedule regular maintenance with a trusted HVAC professional to catch any issues before they become major problems. Third, seal any drafts or leaks around windows and doors to prevent heat loss. And finally, consider investing in a programmable thermostat to efficiently control the temperature in your home. Follow these tips and enjoy a cozy and worry-free winter with your HVAC system.

Roth Heating & Air – Your Trusted Partner for All HVAC Upgrades

When it comes to upgrading your HVAC system for winter comfort, Roth Heating & Air is here to be your trusted partner. With years of experience and a team of knowledgeable professionals, we understand the importance of a properly functioning system and the impact it has on your comfort during the colder months. Whether you’re in need of advanced thermostats, zone control systems, or energy-efficient heating options, we have the expertise and solutions to meet your needs. Trust Roth Heating & Air to help you stay warm and cozy all winter long.



A Fresh Start for Your Home’s HVAC System: Roth Heating & Air’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions

Fresh Start for Your Home's HVAC System

As a new year approaches, many of us are make resolutions to improve our health, relationships, and personal growth. But have you ever considered making a resolution for your home’s comfort? At Roth Heating & Air, we believe that your HVAC system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and should not be overlooked when making resolutions. That’s why we have put together a guide to help you make HVAC-related resolutions for a fresh start in 2024. From regular furnace heating repairs to upgrading your system, we have got you covered. Let’s make this year the best one yet for your home’s comfort!

Understanding the Importance of HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is vital for the overall performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling regular inspections and maintenance with an expert repair technician, you can catch small issues before they become major problems. Additionally, proper maintenance, such as changing air filters and cleaning the system, can improve indoor air quality and prevent dust and allergens from circulating throughout your home. If your HVAC system is older or inefficient, consider planning for a furnace installation or upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Don’t overlook the importance of HVAC maintenance for a comfortable and healthy home in the new year.

Resolving to Regularly Change Air Filters

Changing your air filters regularly is a simple yet effective resolution that can greatly improve the performance of your HVAC system. Dirty filters can restrict airflow, making your system work harder and increasing energy consumption. By making a commitment to regularly change your filters, you can ensure that your system operates efficiently and effectively. If you’re not sure how often to change your filters or need help with the process, consult an expert repair technician. They can provide guidance on the frequency and type of filters needed for your specific system. Consider this resolution as an investment in the longevity and performance of your HVAC system, and it will pay off in the long run. And if your system is due for an upgrade, don’t forget to explore furnace installation options that can further enhance your comfort and energy efficiency.

Planning for HVAC System Upgrades

Planning for HVAC system upgrades is an important resolution for the new year. If your HVAC system is outdated or inefficient, it may be time to consider upgrading to a more modern and energy-efficient model. An expert repair technician can provide guidance on the best options for your home and help with the furnace installation process. By investing in a new system, you can enhance your comfort, save on energy costs, and improve the overall performance of your HVAC system. Make this resolution and enjoy a fresh start with a more efficient and reliable HVAC system in 2024.

Embracing Energy Efficiency Practices

In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is becoming increasingly important, embracing energy efficiency practices is a resolution that not only benefits your home but also the planet. By making small changes like adjusting your thermostat when you’re not at home or upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Consider installing a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts temperature settings based on your schedule, or investing in smart home technology that allows you to control your HVAC system remotely. Embrace energy efficiency practices and take a step towards a greener and more sustainable future for your home in 2024.

Scheduling Regular HVAC Inspections

Regular HVAC inspections are crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling inspections with a professional technician, you can identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. Inspections also ensure that your system is running efficiently, which can save you money on energy costs in the long run. Make it a resolution to schedule regular HVAC inspections in the new year, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system is in optimal condition. Plus, catching any problems early on can prevent costly repairs down the line.

Learning about Your HVAC System

Learning about your HVAC system is an important resolution for the new year. By understanding how your system works and the components involved, you can better troubleshoot issues and communicate with repair technicians. Take the time to read your system’s manual, research online resources, or even attend workshops or webinars to expand your knowledge. Learning about your HVAC system empowers you to make informed decisions about maintenance, upgrades, and energy efficiency practices. Make this resolution, and you’ll become a more confident and proactive homeowner when it comes to your home’s comfort.


The Best Heating & Cooling System You’ve Never Heard Of

Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems

Geothermal heating and cooling systems are gaining popularity among environmentally-conscious homeowners looking for sustainable climate control solutions. But what exactly are geothermal systems and what benefits can they provide? Read on to learn more about the short and long-term advantages of installing geothermal HVAC in your home.

Short-Term Benefits

One of the most immediate benefits of switching to geothermal is the potential for major energy cost savings, typically up to 60% compared to conventional systems! Geothermal systems are able to operate much more efficiently by taking advantage of stable underground temperatures. This translates to lower electricity bills for heating and cooling your home.

In addition to being cost-effective, geothermal systems provide consistent comfort. The technology allows you to maintain desirable temperatures throughout your home without the fluctuations that can occur with traditional HVAC systems. No more freezing in winter or sweating in summer!

Long-Term Benefits

While geothermal systems require greater upfront costs, they offer numerous long-term rewards. Geothermal heat pumps have a lifespan of 20-25 years compared to 10-15 years for conventional units. This long equipment life, coupled with sustained energy savings, means geothermal can provide incredible value over time.

The Federal Government even provides tax credits for geothermal system installation to further enhance long-term savings. Homes outfitted with geothermal also have increased resale value.

Environmental Impact

Choosing geothermal means reducing your carbon footprint and living more sustainably. These systems cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60% compared to traditional heating and cooling methods. With geothermal HVAC, you can do your part to combat climate change.

For homeowners seeking cost savings, comfort, reliability, and eco-friendly operation, geothermal systems are an ideal heating and cooling solution. Take advantage of their short and long-term benefits by considering geothermal for your next HVAC upgrade. Our planet and wallet will thank you! Roth Heating & Air has been serving the Wichita area for almost 70 years and proudly installs Bosch Geothermal Heat Pumps.


How long can you expect your old furnace and air conditioner to last?

How long will heating and air conditioning systems last?

If you have an old furnace and air conditioner, then you may be wondering how long they can last. With the right air conditioning and furnace maintenance by a reputable company, you can extend the life of your units and get the most out of them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the typical lifespan of a furnace and air conditioner, and how to get the most out of your units with the proper maintenance. Read on to learn more!

Factors that impact the lifespan of a furnace and air conditioner

There are several factors that can impact the lifespan of a furnace and air conditioner. One of the most important factors is proper maintenance like our Blue Ribbon Planned Service. Regular air conditioning and furnace maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of these systems. Routine maintenance includes cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting and cleaning coils, lubricating moving parts, and checking for any leaks or blockages. Neglecting these maintenance tasks can lead to increased wear and tear on the system, resulting in a shorter lifespan.

Another factor that can impact the lifespan is the quality of the equipment. Investing in furnaces and air conditioners from high-quality manufacturers like Rheem, Amana and GrandAire can increase their durability and longevity. Cheaper, lower-quality equipment may not last as long and may require more frequent repairs or replacements.

Climate and usage also play a role in determining the lifespan. Extreme temperatures like what we get here in Wichita or constant usage can put additional strain on the system, potentially reducing its lifespan. In areas with hot climates or where the air conditioner is used frequently, it may need to be replaced more often compared to areas with milder climates or less usage.

Lastly, the age of the equipment itself is a factor to consider. Older furnaces and air conditioners may be less energy-efficient and more prone to breakdowns, leading to a shorter lifespan. If your system is over 10-15 years old, it may be nearing the end of its lifespan and should be closely monitored for any signs of failure.

By understanding these factors and taking proactive measures such as a maintenance plan and investing in quality equipment, homeowners can help ensure their old furnaces and air conditioners last as long as possible.

Average lifespan of a furnace

The average lifespan of a furnace can vary depending on several factors, including the brand, model, and maintenance. However, on average, a well-maintained furnace can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years or longer.

Regular maintenance, such as annual inspections and cleanings, can help extend the lifespan of your furnace. Additionally, investing in professional furnace installation and having routine home HVAC maintenance from a trustworthy company like Roth Heating & Air who has been in business in Wichita for nearly 70 years can also help ensure your furnace operates efficiently and lasts as long as possible.

Average lifespan of an air conditioner

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is typically around 10 to 15 years. However, this can vary depending on various factors such as the quality of the unit, the frequency of usage, the climate and the level of maintenance it receives.

Regular air conditioning unit maintenance can help to prolong the lifespan of your air conditioner and ensure optimal performance. It is important to monitor your unit for any signs of wear and tear and consider replacing it if it is approaching or surpassing its expected lifespan.

Signs that your old furnace or air conditioner may need replacing

Here are a couple of signs that indicate it may be time to replace your old furnace or air conditioner:

  • Frequent breakdowns and repairs, as this can be a sign that the unit is no longer functioning properly.
  • Steadily increasing energy bills could be a sign that your old unit is no longer energy efficient.
  • Strange noises, inconsistent temperatures throughout your home, and outdated technology are also indicators that it may be time for a new furnace or air conditioner.

Contact an experienced furnace or air conditioning installer like Roth Heating & Air and consider scheduling regular home HVAC maintenance to keep your system running smoothly or to consult with them on a new more energy efficient system.


How much does an HVAC unit replacement cost

HVAC unit replacement cost

Your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit is designed to give you and your family a comfortable temperature all year round. It also reduces your energy costs by providing a more efficient heat source than traditional furnaces or boilers.

But what happens when an HVAC system is no longer functioning well? In some cases, efficiency issues can be resolved with an air conditioner repair. However, a unit replacement is needed for more severe problems, such as a malfunctioning blower motor or faulty wiring.

HVAC Replacement Cost

A full HVAC system replacement can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $26,000.

HVAC system replacement cost depends on the new unit’s brand, size, and efficiency rating. Upgrading your air conditioner can be quite a hassle, but in the long run, it can save you money on energy bills and make your home more comfortable for everyone.

Factors That Affect HVAC Unit Replacement Cost

The cost of replacing an HVAC unit is affected by several factors. These include the following:

  1. Air Conditioner Manufacturers

There are several companies that manufacture air conditioning systems, and each of them has a different price range. It might seem like the cheapest option would be the best, but that’s not necessarily true.

Be mindful of some businesses that offer a lower price since they may not provide the level of service as others. So, take the time to research each company. You may find that some brands are more reliable and last longer than others.

  1. Ductwork

If you are planning on installing a central air conditioning system, you will need the necessary ducting. HVAC duct replacement costs between $2000 and $10,000 or more.

The main factors affecting ductwork costs are the size of your house and the distance between where the air conditioner is installed and the rooms where it’s needed. The longer the distance and larger your home, the more expensive it’s likely to be.

  1. Home and System Size

It’s important to ensure that your HVAC unit is the right size for your home. A system that is too small might work harder than it should, and it won’t be as efficient. On the other hand, an overly large HVAC unit may result in higher energy bills, uneven temperatures, and lack of humidity control. So, to guarantee that your home comfort system’s size is perfect, have an HVAC professional inspect your property.

If you’re facing issues with your current HVAC system, contact Roth Heating & Air today! We offer professional air conditioner repair, maintenance, and installation in Wichita, Kansas.

How much does an AC unit
installation cost

AC unit installation cost

Factors That Affect AC Installation Costs

Decades ago, an air conditioning system was thought to be a luxury. But nowadays, people consider it a necessity, especially for those who live in a state with hot, muggy summers. Aside from keeping your room or home cool and reducing humidity, an AC unit also helps filter out pollutants and mold to improve indoor air quality.

If you’re planning to have an AC system installed in your new home or have your old one replaced, you’re probably wondering how much will an air conditioning installation cost. There are different factors that make the prices vary, such as:

House / Room Size

The floor area of your home is one of the major considerations when choosing the size and power of the AC you need. The specs of the unit will obviously make up a huge chunk of the cost and will also affect the price of installation charges.

Insulation and Natural Light

If your house is well-insulated, surrounded by trees, and has only a few windows facing west, then you might not need as large of an air conditioner as you would if the opposite conditions exist. You can improve your home’s insulation to reduce your heat load and possible the tonnage needed of you’re A/C.

System Type

Do you need a 3.5-ton central unit for the entire house or a ductless mini-split type system for the sun room or the baby’s room? Your lifestyle and preferences will determine your choice of AC system and, ultimately, your budget.

Energy Efficiency

Are you worried about your electricity bills spiking up with air conditioning? You can opt for the latest energy-efficient models, but they will most likely cost more upfront. Still, you can potentially save more money in the long run from lower monthly bills compared to using non-inverter variants.

Ductwork (If Applicable)

Should you opt for central or HVAC, don’t forget to factor in the cost of a well-designed duct network. This is a crucial component of an HVAC system, as it ensures proper airflow and helps filter out dirt and other contaminants.

The AC Service Provider That You Choose

A team of highly skilled AC installers can get the job done right the first time, which can help you avoid additional installation charges. They will also ensure that your system runs smoothly to prevent premature wear.

To have your home surveyed and estimated for air conditioning installation costs, contact Roth Heating and Air in Wichita, Kansas. Our team of professional AC technicians can visit you to assess your needs and give you reasonable quotations. We also offer financing for new installations.

Ways to Reduce Your AC Bills and Save Money

Reduce Your AC Bills

It would be great if you could constantly keep your air conditioning unit switched on, especially during the summer. Though you might be tempted to do so, you still need to consider how your AC usage can affect your electrical bills. Still, there are energy-saving practices you can do when you keep your cooling system running in your home. Here are several tips you can consider to save money on air conditioning bills:

Keep Your House Comfortable

When using the AC unit, always keep doors and windows shut. Opening your windows at night lets humidity into your house and requires your A/C to work harder to remove the humidity drawn in through your windows. Apply weather strips on these openings to prevent hot, humid air from being pulled into your house.

Set Your Thermostat at 78 °F

The ideal energy-saving temperature depends on the climate of where you live. You can lower your electricity consumption by owning a set-back style thermostat. An optimum setting for most climates for the thermostat is 78 °F when you are at home. If you have a set-back stat, you can have it set-back (warmer) a few degrees when you aren’t home. Too large of a set-back will require the A/C to work too hard to drop the temperature down when you return home.

Avoid Adding Extra Heat to Your Home

Refrain from using the stove, oven, dishwasher, and iron to maintain a low indoor temperature. Cook your food with the microwave or outdoor grill. It would also be advisable to wash dishes manually. Ideally, it would be better to utilize these appliances in the evening when it’s cooler instead of in the middle of the day. Also, turn off computers, televisions, and other electrical devices when you don’t use them.

Use a Fan When the AC Is On

An efficient method of decreasing energy consumption is by setting your fan to the “ON” position on the stat, instead of the “AUTO” position. You won’t have to keep lowering the temperature in the house because the fan makes the air cooler. Also, a portable fan can distribute cooler feeling air to all parts of the room.

Hire an HVAC Professional for AC Cleaning and Maintenance
Ducts and vents accumulate dust particles over time, making your AC unit consume more electricity when cooling the room. This can shorten your cooling system’s lifespan and increases its chance of malfunctioning and needing repair. Avoid these issues and save money on air conditioning costs by scheduling a Power Vac Duct Cleaning and also having regular AC cleaning and maintenance.

If you want to hire a skilled HVAC technician in Wichita, KS to perform these tasks for your device, contact Roth Heating & Air. Get in touch with us to learn more about our residential AC services.