Pre-Spring HVAC Tune-Up:
Ensuring a Smooth Transition


As the cold winter months begin to draw to a close, our thoughts turn to the beautiful spring season. The onset of warm weather, however, means a switch from our home heating systems to our cooling units. As homeowners, it’s crucial to ensure our HVAC systems are in peak condition to handle the seasonal change, and what better way to ensure that than scheduling a pre-spring HVAC tune-up.

Understanding the Importance of Pre-Spring HVAC Tune-Ups

The necessity of pre-spring HVAC tune-ups can’t be overstated when it comes to transitioning from the chill of winter to the warmth of spring and summer. Regular tune-ups help avert the inconvenience and costs associated with unexpected system malfunctions during hot weather. They also enable your HVAC system to operate at its maximum efficiency level, ensuring you’re kept comfortably cool when the temperatures rise. It’s not just about avoiding breakdowns, it’s about maintaining the ideal living conditions in your home and promoting the efficient use of energy. When your HVAC system is at its peak, you’re not just comfortable – you’re also saving on energy bills. That’s why understanding the importance of these tune-ups is essential for every homeowner.

What Does a Pre-Spring HVAC Tune-Up Entail?

A comprehensive pre-spring HVAC tune-up performed by our expert technicians at Roth Heating & Air is a multi-step process designed to ensure your system’s optimal performance for the upcoming season. The tune-up begins with a meticulous inspection of your HVAC system to identify any signs of wear and tear that might impede its performance. Following this, we clean or replace the filters, a crucial step in maintaining good air quality and system efficiency. The moving parts of your HVAC system are then lubricated to ensure smooth operation and reduce the chance of breakdowns. We also assess and top off the refrigerant levels as necessary, an essential task for maintaining the cool temperature in your home during hot weather. Lastly, a complete system operation test is conducted to validate the readiness of your HVAC system to take on the warmer temperatures. A pre-spring HVAC tune-up is an essential service that aids in the prevention of unforeseen system issues and guarantees your comfort throughout the warmer seasons.

The Link Between HVAC Tune-Ups and Energy Efficiency

One may not immediately associate HVAC tune-ups with energy efficiency, but the connection between the two is undeniable. A properly serviced and tuned HVAC system requires less energy to run, directly leading to decreased energy usage. When all components of the system are in optimal condition, the system can achieve its intended performance level without any unnecessary energy expenditure. In other words, a well-maintained system does not have to work as hard to keep your home comfortable, which translates into significant energy savings. Additionally, tune-ups can help identify areas of inefficiency, such as leaks or blockages, that may be causing your system to use more energy than it should. Addressing these issues can further boost your HVAC system’s overall energy efficiency. Therefore, regular HVAC tune-ups by professionals, like our team at Roth Heating & Air, are an investment not just in your comfort, but also in the sustainable and cost-effective operation of your system.

Benefits of Scheduling Your HVAC Tune-Up Early

Planning your HVAC tune-up ahead of time comes with many advantages. Primarily, you bypass the stress of scrambling for an appointment as the weather starts to shift. With most homeowners aiming to have their systems serviced in time for the warmer weather, early scheduling allows you to beat the rush. This is especially beneficial since HVAC professionals, such as those at Roth Heating & Air, can get quite busy as the season changes. Moreover, an early tune-up provides an opportunity to detect any potential issues or needed repairs well in advance. This ensures you have ample time to address them without compromising your home’s comfort. Plus, it eliminates the worry of unexpected system malfunctions when you need your cooling system the most. In a nutshell, early scheduling for your HVAC tune-up sets you up for a hassle-free, comfortable spring and summer.

Trusting Your HVAC Tune-Up to Roth Heating & Air

At Roth Heating & Air, we excel in delivering exceptional HVAC services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our team of skilled and dedicated professionals is devoted to ensuring the readiness of your HVAC system for the imminent warm season. We strive to not only ensure your HVAC system functions at its peak performance, but also aim to enhance its energy efficiency and extend its lifespan. We firmly believe in the importance of regular tune-ups, and we’re committed to making the process as smooth as possible for our valued customers. By entrusting us with your HVAC system, you can look forward to a comfortable, worry-free spring and summer, knowing that your home’s comfort systems are in capable hands.

Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips
for Wichita Homeowners with
Roth Heating & Air

Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips

As a homeowner in Wichita, you rely on your HVAC system to keep your family comfortable throughout the year. However, unexpected emergencies can arise, leaving you without heating or cooling when you need it most. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for these situations. As the leading experts in HVAC in Wichita, Roth Heating & Air is here to help you navigate through emergency preparedness for your HVAC system. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips to ensure you’re ready for any potential HVAC emergencies in the future.

Understanding The Importance of HVAC Emergency Preparedness

Understanding the importance of HVAC emergency preparedness is crucial for Wichita homeowners. When unexpected heating or cooling emergencies occur, having a plan in place can minimize stress and discomfort. As a trusted heating and air company, Roth Heating & Air knows the significance of residential heating and the impact it has on your family’s well-being. In this section, we’ll discuss why being prepared for HVAC emergencies is essential and how it can save you time, money, and inconvenience in the long run.

Regular Maintenance is Key to HVAC Emergency Prevention

Regular maintenance is crucial when it comes to preventing HVAC emergencies. By partnering with a trusted heating and air company like Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure that your system is regularly inspected and maintained. Regular maintenance not only helps identify potential issues before they become emergencies but also extends the lifespan of your residential heating system. Don’t wait for a breakdown to happen, prioritize regular maintenance to keep your HVAC system running smoothly all year round.

Keeping a Close Eye on Your HVAC System

Regularly monitoring your HVAC system is crucial to catching potential issues before they escalate. As a homeowner in Wichita and the surrounding area, it’s important to stay proactive in maintaining the comfort of your home. Keep an eye out for any unusual noises, odors, or fluctuations in temperature. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact your trusted heating and air company, like Roth Heating & Air, for a thorough inspection. By staying vigilant, you can ensure your residential heating system is operating at its best and avoid any unexpected emergencies.

Investing in a Backup HVAC System

When it comes to HVAC emergencies, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Investing in a backup HVAC system can provide peace of mind and ensure that you have heating or cooling when you need it most. Whether it’s a portable unit or a generator that powers your main system, having a backup can be a game-changer during unexpected breakdowns or extreme weather conditions. Don’t let an HVAC emergency leave you without comfort. Take the initiative to invest in a backup HVAC system and be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Planning for Extreme Weather Conditions

With the unpredictable weather patterns that can hit Wichita, it’s important to plan for extreme weather conditions and how they can impact your HVAC system. Severe heat waves or freezing temperatures can put a strain on your system and increase the risk of a breakdown. To prepare, make sure to have your HVAC system inspected and serviced before extreme weather hits. Additionally, consider investing in weatherproofing measures, such as insulation or window coverings, to help your HVAC system maintain a comfortable temperature during these challenging conditions. Don’t let extreme weather catch you off guard, be prepared and keep your home comfortable all year round.

Emergency HVAC Service Contracts for Peace of Mind

Emergency HVAC service contracts provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away during an HVAC emergency. With a service contract from Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure prompt and reliable service from our experienced technicians. These contracts often include priority scheduling, discounted rates, and regular maintenance visits to prevent emergencies. By investing in an emergency service contract, you can rest easy knowing that your HVAC system will be taken care of in the event of an unexpected breakdown or issue.


Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

As the freezing winter weather sets in, we often turn to our trusty heater to keep us warm and cozy. However, did you know that the humidity levels in your home can also play a crucial role in your overall comfort? That’s right, having the right amount of moisture in the air can make a significant difference in how comfortable you feel indoors during the colder months. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of humidity control and how it can enhance your winter comfort. Plus, we’ll share how our furnace installation, when paired with a whole house humidifier, can help regulate humidity levels in your home.

Understanding the Basics of Humidity and Its Role in Your Home’s Comfort

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture or water vapor present in the air. Understanding humidity is crucial when it comes to creating a comfortable indoor environment. Did you know that low humidity levels can lead to dry skin, respiratory issues, and even damage to wooden furniture and flooring? On the other hand, high humidity can promote the growth of mold and mildew, leading to health problems and structural damage. At Roth Heating & Air, we know the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels in your home. In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the impact of winter on indoor humidity levels and why it’s crucial to find the right balance.

Impact of Winter on Indoor Humidity Levels

During the winter months, the cold air outside holds less moisture, which can lead to low humidity levels indoors. This lack of humidity can have several negative effects on your comfort and health. Dry skin, irritated sinuses, and increased susceptibility to cold and flu viruses are just a few of the issues that can arise. Additionally, low humidity can cause wooden furniture and flooring to dry out and crack. That’s where Roth Heating & Air comes in. Our HVAC systems can help regulate indoor humidity levels if installed with a whole house humidifier, ensuring that you stay comfortable and healthy throughout the winter season.

Role of HVAC Systems in Regulating Humidity Levels

In order to maintain perfect humidity levels in your home during the winter, it’s important to rely on your furnace and humidifier. HVAC systems with a humidifier play a significant part in regulating humidity by controlling the amount of moisture in the air. These systems can help to increase or decrease humidity levels as needed, ensuring that your indoor environment remains comfortable and healthy. By properly maintaining your HVAC system with humidifier, and regularly scheduling maintenance checks, you can ensure that it continues to effectively regulate humidity throughout the winter months. Trust in your HVAC system to create the perfect balance of moisture in the air, allowing you to enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all season long.

​​Tips for Ensuring Your Heater Works Efficiently in Low Humidity Conditions

When the humidity levels drop during the winter months, it’s important to take steps to ensure that your heater works efficiently. One simple tip is to use a humidifier in conjunction with your heater. Adding moisture to the air can help alleviate the dryness and make your home feel more comfortable. Additionally, make sure to properly insulate your home to prevent drafts and maintain a consistent temperature. This will help your heater work more efficiently and reduce energy consumption. Lastly, remember to regularly clean and replace your HVAC filters to ensure proper airflow and prevent dust buildup. And, don’t forget to have the humidifier serviced annually to ensure proper humidifier performance. By following these tips, you can maximize the efficiency of your heater and enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all winter long.

A Fresh Start for Your Home’s HVAC System: Roth Heating & Air’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions

Fresh Start for Your Home's HVAC System

As a new year approaches, many of us are make resolutions to improve our health, relationships, and personal growth. But have you ever considered making a resolution for your home’s comfort? At Roth Heating & Air, we believe that your HVAC system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and should not be overlooked when making resolutions. That’s why we have put together a guide to help you make HVAC-related resolutions for a fresh start in 2024. From regular furnace heating repairs to upgrading your system, we have got you covered. Let’s make this year the best one yet for your home’s comfort!

Understanding the Importance of HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is vital for the overall performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling regular inspections and maintenance with an expert repair technician, you can catch small issues before they become major problems. Additionally, proper maintenance, such as changing air filters and cleaning the system, can improve indoor air quality and prevent dust and allergens from circulating throughout your home. If your HVAC system is older or inefficient, consider planning for a furnace installation or upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Don’t overlook the importance of HVAC maintenance for a comfortable and healthy home in the new year.

Resolving to Regularly Change Air Filters

Changing your air filters regularly is a simple yet effective resolution that can greatly improve the performance of your HVAC system. Dirty filters can restrict airflow, making your system work harder and increasing energy consumption. By making a commitment to regularly change your filters, you can ensure that your system operates efficiently and effectively. If you’re not sure how often to change your filters or need help with the process, consult an expert repair technician. They can provide guidance on the frequency and type of filters needed for your specific system. Consider this resolution as an investment in the longevity and performance of your HVAC system, and it will pay off in the long run. And if your system is due for an upgrade, don’t forget to explore furnace installation options that can further enhance your comfort and energy efficiency.

Planning for HVAC System Upgrades

Planning for HVAC system upgrades is an important resolution for the new year. If your HVAC system is outdated or inefficient, it may be time to consider upgrading to a more modern and energy-efficient model. An expert repair technician can provide guidance on the best options for your home and help with the furnace installation process. By investing in a new system, you can enhance your comfort, save on energy costs, and improve the overall performance of your HVAC system. Make this resolution and enjoy a fresh start with a more efficient and reliable HVAC system in 2024.

Embracing Energy Efficiency Practices

In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is becoming increasingly important, embracing energy efficiency practices is a resolution that not only benefits your home but also the planet. By making small changes like adjusting your thermostat when you’re not at home or upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Consider installing a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts temperature settings based on your schedule, or investing in smart home technology that allows you to control your HVAC system remotely. Embrace energy efficiency practices and take a step towards a greener and more sustainable future for your home in 2024.

Scheduling Regular HVAC Inspections

Regular HVAC inspections are crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling inspections with a professional technician, you can identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. Inspections also ensure that your system is running efficiently, which can save you money on energy costs in the long run. Make it a resolution to schedule regular HVAC inspections in the new year, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system is in optimal condition. Plus, catching any problems early on can prevent costly repairs down the line.

Learning about Your HVAC System

Learning about your HVAC system is an important resolution for the new year. By understanding how your system works and the components involved, you can better troubleshoot issues and communicate with repair technicians. Take the time to read your system’s manual, research online resources, or even attend workshops or webinars to expand your knowledge. Learning about your HVAC system empowers you to make informed decisions about maintenance, upgrades, and energy efficiency practices. Make this resolution, and you’ll become a more confident and proactive homeowner when it comes to your home’s comfort.


Your HVAC Maintenance Checklist

HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Here’s an HVAC maintenance checklist that you can use to keep your heating and cooling systems up and running more efficiently. Following this will help prolong your units’ lifespan and keep them working efficiently.

  1. Change the Air Filters

If your HVAC systems are constantly in use, dirt and other debris will eventually get caught in the air filters. When there’s too much accumulation of these, it can make the filters clogged. The general rule is to have them changed every 30 to 90 days. Doing this will ensure that your systems produce clean air and the right amount of airflow.

  1. Clear Out Debris Around Outdoor HVAC Systems

Aside from getting inside your units, debris such as pollen, twigs, and leaves can also accumulate around and on top of your outdoor HVAC systems. You can quickly fix this by clearing this debris from around your AC. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that the parameters are clean within two feet of your AC units and heat pumps. This will help them pull in and release air much more smoothly.

  1. Inspect Refrigerant Lines

You can find two copper lines connecting your outdoor units to your indoor evaporator coil; these are your refrigerant lines. At least once a month, it’s essential to check them out for any signs of tear or leakages. When these are damaged, your HVAC unit won’t be able to produce enough heat or cool air into your home. In this case, you’ll need to call a skilled technician to have them replaced properly.

  1. Shut Off the Furnace’s Humidifier’s Water Supply

You should turn off the water supply to your furnace’s humidifier during the summer. Use it only in the colder seasons, like fall and winter. Your air conditioner works to pull the humidity out of your house, so adding humidity back in with the humidifier while your AC is running will cause added strain on your AC as well as your pocketbook.

Get a Maintenance Plan with Roth Heating & Air
After following this HVAC maintenance checklist, it’s best to contact professional technicians for further inspection and expert repair. They will have your systems checked for other potential issues and provide you with solutions that a regular homeowner may not be able to execute.

For HVAC maintenance and repair, contact Roth Heating & Air. Our team of professional technicians can provide you with a maintenance plan to ensure that you’re on schedule when it comes to taking care of your heating and cooling systems. Give us a call today to learn more about our services.

Common Air Conditioner Problems and Their Solutions

common air conditioner problems

An air conditioning malfunction can be such an inconvenience, especially if it’s a hot day. To ensure that you know what to do when it happens, read on to learn about common air conditioner problems and solutions.

Your AC Does Not Turn On
When your AC no longer turns on, the thermostat’s batteries can be an issue. For dead batteries, you can switch them out with new ones. However, batteries that still have juice in them can be used.

Browse through your thermostat manual to learn how to double-check its settings. Make sure that it’s turned on to cooling mode. You can also try resetting the circuit breaker if it is tripped.

Your AC Doesn’t Blow Cold Air
You may experience switching your air conditioner on and after a while, notice that it hasn’t cooled off your room yet. This can be due to a dirty air filter. To fix it, you should have it cleaned every two weeks or switched out every two months.

Your AC Leaks
Every homeowner has probably experienced a leaking air conditioner. This happens when your drains are clogged with too many algae or fungi buildup. You can fix this by making your own cleaning solutions at home.

One example is to pour a few ounces of vinegar inside the drain line. The vinegar acts as an agent that kills the algae and fungi inside. If it doesn’t work, you can also use a vacuum to unclog the drain.

Reach Out to Experts for Best Results
The best way to fix common air conditioner problems is to get help from professionals. You may think that AC repair can be costly; however, regular maintenance is important to prevent your air conditioning system from breaking down.

If you’re interested in learning more about air conditioner problems and solutions, browse through our page at Roth Heating & Air. Our team also provides residential and commercial services to clients in Wichita, Kansas. Give us a call today, and we’ll make sure to effectively repair any issues your air conditioning unit is experiencing.

Common HVAC Issues and Tips on How To Solve Them

View of HVAC

Occasionally, your HVAC systems malfunction. Read on to learn about tips on solving common furnace, air conditioning, and heat pump problems.

Furnace Problems
Furnace is one of the most popular heating systems in every American home. Learn about what common furnace problems homeowners experience and what they can do when their furnace malfunctions.

Randomly Switches Off
You might have experienced your furnace working for a short amount of time only to switch it off. This is caused by overheating from a limited or clogged air flow. To fix this, you can get your filter replaced. If this doesn’t work, it’s recommended to contact professionals to fix this switch.

Does Not Turn On
If there are moments your furnace randomly switches off, there are also times they do not turn on. This can be easily fixed in two ways. Either switch on the furnace flip in the breaker box or adjust the thermostat as needed. If these don’t work, contact professional technicians to help you.

Air Conditioning Problems
Homeowners tend to overuse their cooling system, especially during the summer. Learn about how to deal with common air conditioning problems.

Faulty Thermostat
Have you ever experienced turning your AC on, but the room still feels warm? This could have been caused by defects in your thermostat. The solution to this depends on the root cause of your issue. Some reasons include unsecured wires or screws, dead batteries, or a spread of corrosion.

Water Leakage
This is an issue every air conditioning owner has most likely experienced. If you have an indoor AC, a clogged drain, or a broken condensate pump can cause water leakage.

If your problem is the drain, you can unclog it by using a vacuum or pouring vinegar to wash out the bacteria buildup. Though if your pump is damaged, it’s advisable to call technicians to have it replaced and installed.

Heat Pump Problems
Learn about what to do when common heat pump problems happen.

Weird Noises
One of the most common problems for an HVAC system is rattling noise. It can signal that your heat pump has loose parts and needs tightening or has a serious problem that requires a technician. If these parts cannot be easily screwed on your own, contact professionals for help.

Incorrect Cycles
You might notice that your heat pump doesn’t turn on and off as it should. When this happens, this can be because of a malfunctioning thermostat or a clogged filter. You can either adjust the thermostat or get your filter cleaned, depending on the issue.

Contact Roth Heating and Air for HVAC System Solutions
With more than 60 years of experience in the industry, Roth Heating and Air is the technician company for you. We offer commercial and residential services in Wichita, Kansas. Contact us for solutions to all your heating and cooling problems.

Understanding Furnace and AC Maintenance Plans

furnace and ac maintenance plans

Repairs aren’t the only reason you should call an HVAC contractor. Like all machines, HVAC systems need regular maintenance to help optimize their performance and extend their life span. Nowadays, you can conveniently schedule routine tune-ups by getting heating and cooling maintenance plans. But, what exactly do these plans entail? Read on to understand what type of services they can include.

  • Changing or Cleaning Filters
    Every 3 months, HVAC filters need to be replaced or cleaned, depending on whether you use disposable or washable variants. If you have pets or people in your household that are prone to allergies, you can have the filters changed or washed more often to help maintain your home’s air quality.
  • Clearing Indoor Vent Openings
    Indoor vent openings need to be clear of any obstructions to ensure proper airflow to the HVAC system. The maintenance team can check if any changes in the home, like furniture relocation, block these vents.
  • Removing Debris From the Outdoor Unit
    The outdoor unit, which contains the condenser, is exposed to the elements. Dirt and debris enter the unit through its numerous openings and also accumulate on its exterior. It must be regularly cleaned to optimize its performance and restore airflow.
  • Checking Electrical Connections
    An essential part of a typical furnace and AC tune-up session is to inspect the system’s electrical connections. Maintenance professionals can help you find and repair loose wiring or faulty connections, which can be fire and electrocution hazards.
  • Inspecting the Thermostat
    The thermostat measures and regulates the temperature in your home. If it is broken or improperly calibrated, it will be difficult to control how hot or cold it should be at home. Most maintenance plans include inspecting and recalibrating the thermostat to ensure optimal system performance.

Get in Touch With Roth Heating & Air
Do you want to learn more about heating and cooling maintenance plans? Reach out to Roth Heating & Air in Wichita. Our team of professional HVAC technicians can recommend a care program for your specific system and explain the different parts of our maintenance agreement.

The Importance of Preseason Heating Inspection

preseason heating inspection

The winter season is just around the corner. It’s time to start getting your home ready for the cold weather. One of the ways you can get prepared is to schedule a preseason heating check or tune-up. There are various reasons why a preseason inspection is important. Read on to learn about some of them.

To Prevent System Breakdowns
A preseason furnace tune-up will help identify any issues your system currently has. Since it will be used throughout the winter months, any unaddressed problems might worsen over time and need more extensive repairs in the future. Some problems can even lead to a sudden system breakdown that leaves you without proper heating in the middle of the winter.

However, with preseason heating inspections, any existing problems will be detected and addressed early. Technicians can also foresee potential issues and take steps to prevent them. You will have a fully functional system ready to provide heat for the entire season.

To Help You Save For Your Utility Bills
A significant percentage of your total gas or power expenses can be attributed to your furnace and air conditioning system’s consumption. If it isn’t in the best condition, it will consume more resources than necessary to generate heat. This can be especially costly during winter since the heating system has to work round the clock to maintain your home’s internal temperature.

A preseason tune-up will fully optimize your system and allow it to perform in peak condition. This will ensure that it uses resources efficiently and lower its overall gas or power consumption.

To Eliminate Safety Hazards
Furnace issues will be not only hindrance to the system’s performance but also potential safety hazards. A broken heat exchanger, for example, causes a carbon monoxide leak. Exposure to large quantities of this odorless gas is lethal for humans. Issues with gas lines and ventilation, on the other hand, are fire and explosion hazards.

Doing a preseason tune-up helps detect these safety hazards. Experienced HVAC technicians can spot these crucial furnace issues and eliminate them, ensuring that the system is completely safe for use.

Schedule a Preseason Furnace Check
Reach out to Roth Heating & Air today and book preseason furnace service. Our team of professional technicians can help you ensure that your HVAC is ready in time for winter.