
Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips
for Wichita Homeowners with
Roth Heating & Air

Be Prepared: Emergency HVAC Tips

As a homeowner in Wichita, you rely on your HVAC system to keep your family comfortable throughout the year. However, unexpected emergencies can arise, leaving you without heating or cooling when you need it most. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for these situations. As the leading experts in HVAC in Wichita, Roth Heating & Air is here to help you navigate through emergency preparedness for your HVAC system. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips to ensure you’re ready for any potential HVAC emergencies in the future.

Understanding The Importance of HVAC Emergency Preparedness

Understanding the importance of HVAC emergency preparedness is crucial for Wichita homeowners. When unexpected heating or cooling emergencies occur, having a plan in place can minimize stress and discomfort. As a trusted heating and air company, Roth Heating & Air knows the significance of residential heating and the impact it has on your family’s well-being. In this section, we’ll discuss why being prepared for HVAC emergencies is essential and how it can save you time, money, and inconvenience in the long run.

Regular Maintenance is Key to HVAC Emergency Prevention

Regular maintenance is crucial when it comes to preventing HVAC emergencies. By partnering with a trusted heating and air company like Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure that your system is regularly inspected and maintained. Regular maintenance not only helps identify potential issues before they become emergencies but also extends the lifespan of your residential heating system. Don’t wait for a breakdown to happen, prioritize regular maintenance to keep your HVAC system running smoothly all year round.

Keeping a Close Eye on Your HVAC System

Regularly monitoring your HVAC system is crucial to catching potential issues before they escalate. As a homeowner in Wichita and the surrounding area, it’s important to stay proactive in maintaining the comfort of your home. Keep an eye out for any unusual noises, odors, or fluctuations in temperature. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, don’t hesitate to contact your trusted heating and air company, like Roth Heating & Air, for a thorough inspection. By staying vigilant, you can ensure your residential heating system is operating at its best and avoid any unexpected emergencies.

Investing in a Backup HVAC System

When it comes to HVAC emergencies, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan. Investing in a backup HVAC system can provide peace of mind and ensure that you have heating or cooling when you need it most. Whether it’s a portable unit or a generator that powers your main system, having a backup can be a game-changer during unexpected breakdowns or extreme weather conditions. Don’t let an HVAC emergency leave you without comfort. Take the initiative to invest in a backup HVAC system and be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Planning for Extreme Weather Conditions

With the unpredictable weather patterns that can hit Wichita, it’s important to plan for extreme weather conditions and how they can impact your HVAC system. Severe heat waves or freezing temperatures can put a strain on your system and increase the risk of a breakdown. To prepare, make sure to have your HVAC system inspected and serviced before extreme weather hits. Additionally, consider investing in weatherproofing measures, such as insulation or window coverings, to help your HVAC system maintain a comfortable temperature during these challenging conditions. Don’t let extreme weather catch you off guard, be prepared and keep your home comfortable all year round.

Emergency HVAC Service Contracts for Peace of Mind

Emergency HVAC service contracts provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that help is just a phone call away during an HVAC emergency. With a service contract from Roth Heating & Air, you can ensure prompt and reliable service from our experienced technicians. These contracts often include priority scheduling, discounted rates, and regular maintenance visits to prevent emergencies. By investing in an emergency service contract, you can rest easy knowing that your HVAC system will be taken care of in the event of an unexpected breakdown or issue.


Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

Boost Your Winter Comfort: The Importance of Humidity Control

As the freezing winter weather sets in, we often turn to our trusty heater to keep us warm and cozy. However, did you know that the humidity levels in your home can also play a crucial role in your overall comfort? That’s right, having the right amount of moisture in the air can make a significant difference in how comfortable you feel indoors during the colder months. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of humidity control and how it can enhance your winter comfort. Plus, we’ll share how our furnace installation, when paired with a whole house humidifier, can help regulate humidity levels in your home.

Understanding the Basics of Humidity and Its Role in Your Home’s Comfort

Humidity refers to the amount of moisture or water vapor present in the air. Understanding humidity is crucial when it comes to creating a comfortable indoor environment. Did you know that low humidity levels can lead to dry skin, respiratory issues, and even damage to wooden furniture and flooring? On the other hand, high humidity can promote the growth of mold and mildew, leading to health problems and structural damage. At Roth Heating & Air, we know the importance of maintaining optimal humidity levels in your home. In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into the impact of winter on indoor humidity levels and why it’s crucial to find the right balance.

Impact of Winter on Indoor Humidity Levels

During the winter months, the cold air outside holds less moisture, which can lead to low humidity levels indoors. This lack of humidity can have several negative effects on your comfort and health. Dry skin, irritated sinuses, and increased susceptibility to cold and flu viruses are just a few of the issues that can arise. Additionally, low humidity can cause wooden furniture and flooring to dry out and crack. That’s where Roth Heating & Air comes in. Our HVAC systems can help regulate indoor humidity levels if installed with a whole house humidifier, ensuring that you stay comfortable and healthy throughout the winter season.

Role of HVAC Systems in Regulating Humidity Levels

In order to maintain perfect humidity levels in your home during the winter, it’s important to rely on your furnace and humidifier. HVAC systems with a humidifier play a significant part in regulating humidity by controlling the amount of moisture in the air. These systems can help to increase or decrease humidity levels as needed, ensuring that your indoor environment remains comfortable and healthy. By properly maintaining your HVAC system with humidifier, and regularly scheduling maintenance checks, you can ensure that it continues to effectively regulate humidity throughout the winter months. Trust in your HVAC system to create the perfect balance of moisture in the air, allowing you to enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all season long.

​​Tips for Ensuring Your Heater Works Efficiently in Low Humidity Conditions

When the humidity levels drop during the winter months, it’s important to take steps to ensure that your heater works efficiently. One simple tip is to use a humidifier in conjunction with your heater. Adding moisture to the air can help alleviate the dryness and make your home feel more comfortable. Additionally, make sure to properly insulate your home to prevent drafts and maintain a consistent temperature. This will help your heater work more efficiently and reduce energy consumption. Lastly, remember to regularly clean and replace your HVAC filters to ensure proper airflow and prevent dust buildup. And, don’t forget to have the humidifier serviced annually to ensure proper humidifier performance. By following these tips, you can maximize the efficiency of your heater and enjoy a cozy and comfortable home all winter long.

Feeling Chilly This Winter? Upgrade Your HVAC System with These Winter Comfort Solutions!

Feeling Chilly This Winter? Upgrade Your HVAC System with These Winter Comfort Solutions!

As the temperatures continue to drop and the chill of winter sets in, many homeowners are starting to feel the effects of an outdated or inefficient HVAC system. If you find yourself constantly shivering despite cranking up the heat, it may be time to consider upgrading your furnace. But don’t worry, finding a reliable furnace dealer near you is easier than you think. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top HVAC system upgrades that can help keep you warm and cozy all winter long. Say goodbye to chilly nights and hello to ultimate comfort with these winter solutions for your furnace near me.

Understanding the Importance of a Properly Functioning HVAC System in Winter

Winter is a challenging time for homeowners, and having a properly functioning HVAC system is crucial. A malfunctioning or outdated system can leave you shivering and uncomfortable throughout the season. That’s why it’s important to invest in upgrades that will keep your home warm and cozy. Roth Heating & Air understands the importance of a reliable HVAC system, and we are here to help you find the best solutions for your winter comfort needs. Let’s dive into the various upgrades you can consider to ensure a comfortable winter season.

Exploring Advanced Thermostats for Optimum Indoor Temperature

When it comes to achieving the perfect indoor temperature during the winter, advanced thermostats can be a game-changer. With innovative features and smart technology, these thermostats allow you to have complete control over your home’s heating system. Roth Heating & Air understands the importance of comfort and convenience, which is why we offer a wide range of advanced thermostats that can help you achieve optimum indoor temperature. From programmable thermostats to Wi-Fi enabled ones, we have the perfect solution for your winter comfort needs. Upgrade your HVAC system with an advanced thermostat from Roth Heating & Air and say goodbye to chilly nights for good.

Energy-Efficient Heating Options for Sustainable Comfort

Looking for ways to stay warm and cozy this winter while also being environmentally conscious? Look no further than energy-efficient heating options. These sustainable solutions not only provide reliable warmth but also help reduce your carbon footprint. From high-efficiency furnaces to geothermal heat pumps, there are a variety of options available to suit your needs. By upgrading to energy-efficient heating, you can stay comfortable all winter long while making a positive impact on the environment. Stay warm and eco-friendly with these sustainable heating options for ultimate winter comfort.

Pro Tips for Keeping Your HVAC System Running Smoothly Throughout Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for HVAC systems, but with these pro tips, you can ensure your system runs smoothly all season long. First, make sure to regularly clean or replace air filters to maintain optimal airflow. Second, schedule regular maintenance with a trusted HVAC professional to catch any issues before they become major problems. Third, seal any drafts or leaks around windows and doors to prevent heat loss. And finally, consider investing in a programmable thermostat to efficiently control the temperature in your home. Follow these tips and enjoy a cozy and worry-free winter with your HVAC system.

Roth Heating & Air – Your Trusted Partner for All HVAC Upgrades

When it comes to upgrading your HVAC system for winter comfort, Roth Heating & Air is here to be your trusted partner. With years of experience and a team of knowledgeable professionals, we understand the importance of a properly functioning system and the impact it has on your comfort during the colder months. Whether you’re in need of advanced thermostats, zone control systems, or energy-efficient heating options, we have the expertise and solutions to meet your needs. Trust Roth Heating & Air to help you stay warm and cozy all winter long.



A Fresh Start for Your Home’s HVAC System: Roth Heating & Air’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions

Fresh Start for Your Home's HVAC System

As a new year approaches, many of us are make resolutions to improve our health, relationships, and personal growth. But have you ever considered making a resolution for your home’s comfort? At Roth Heating & Air, we believe that your HVAC system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being and should not be overlooked when making resolutions. That’s why we have put together a guide to help you make HVAC-related resolutions for a fresh start in 2024. From regular furnace heating repairs to upgrading your system, we have got you covered. Let’s make this year the best one yet for your home’s comfort!

Understanding the Importance of HVAC Maintenance

Regular HVAC maintenance is vital for the overall performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling regular inspections and maintenance with an expert repair technician, you can catch small issues before they become major problems. Additionally, proper maintenance, such as changing air filters and cleaning the system, can improve indoor air quality and prevent dust and allergens from circulating throughout your home. If your HVAC system is older or inefficient, consider planning for a furnace installation or upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. Don’t overlook the importance of HVAC maintenance for a comfortable and healthy home in the new year.

Resolving to Regularly Change Air Filters

Changing your air filters regularly is a simple yet effective resolution that can greatly improve the performance of your HVAC system. Dirty filters can restrict airflow, making your system work harder and increasing energy consumption. By making a commitment to regularly change your filters, you can ensure that your system operates efficiently and effectively. If you’re not sure how often to change your filters or need help with the process, consult an expert repair technician. They can provide guidance on the frequency and type of filters needed for your specific system. Consider this resolution as an investment in the longevity and performance of your HVAC system, and it will pay off in the long run. And if your system is due for an upgrade, don’t forget to explore furnace installation options that can further enhance your comfort and energy efficiency.

Planning for HVAC System Upgrades

Planning for HVAC system upgrades is an important resolution for the new year. If your HVAC system is outdated or inefficient, it may be time to consider upgrading to a more modern and energy-efficient model. An expert repair technician can provide guidance on the best options for your home and help with the furnace installation process. By investing in a new system, you can enhance your comfort, save on energy costs, and improve the overall performance of your HVAC system. Make this resolution and enjoy a fresh start with a more efficient and reliable HVAC system in 2024.

Embracing Energy Efficiency Practices

In today’s world, where environmental consciousness is becoming increasingly important, embracing energy efficiency practices is a resolution that not only benefits your home but also the planet. By making small changes like adjusting your thermostat when you’re not at home or upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, you can reduce your carbon footprint and save on energy costs. Consider installing a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts temperature settings based on your schedule, or investing in smart home technology that allows you to control your HVAC system remotely. Embrace energy efficiency practices and take a step towards a greener and more sustainable future for your home in 2024.

Scheduling Regular HVAC Inspections

Regular HVAC inspections are crucial for maintaining the performance and longevity of your system. By scheduling inspections with a professional technician, you can identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. Inspections also ensure that your system is running efficiently, which can save you money on energy costs in the long run. Make it a resolution to schedule regular HVAC inspections in the new year, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your system is in optimal condition. Plus, catching any problems early on can prevent costly repairs down the line.

Learning about Your HVAC System

Learning about your HVAC system is an important resolution for the new year. By understanding how your system works and the components involved, you can better troubleshoot issues and communicate with repair technicians. Take the time to read your system’s manual, research online resources, or even attend workshops or webinars to expand your knowledge. Learning about your HVAC system empowers you to make informed decisions about maintenance, upgrades, and energy efficiency practices. Make this resolution, and you’ll become a more confident and proactive homeowner when it comes to your home’s comfort.


Reasons to Hire a Professional Heating and Cooling Service

Professional Heating and Cooling Service

An HVAC system is one of the biggest investments that people have when building a home. So, when it comes to maintaining this system, one should not rely on just anyone to provide maintenance and repairs. It would be best to hire a professional heating and cooling contractor for your HVAC.

There are many benefits to hiring a licensed heating and AC company. Read on to learn about why you should work with one.

They are highly skilled in their field.
Hiring a professional and certified contractor will help you be assured that you are working with a team of highly skilled technicians knowledgeable in HVAC systems. To be certified, they have to meet the standards set by the Kansas Registrar of Contractors. They have to pass an exam to show their knowledge of their field.

Many companies like Roth Heating & Air make their employees undergo rigorous training to hone their skills and update their knowledge of the repair, cleaning, and installation procedures. This helps them keep their standard of superior service.

They can help you save money.
Hiring a nonprofessional technician may seem like an excellent way to save money. But in the end, it may cost you more. If the HVAC problems are not properly addressed at the onset, they may worsen and need even more expensive repairs.

A professional contractor has enough skill and experience to get the job done right the first time. They also have warranties for their work, which can cover expenses if ever more repairs are needed. They can also spot potential problems in your system and prevent them from occurring, helping you save money on future repairs.

They have all the necessary tools.
HVAC systems often require specialized tools for maintenance and repairs. If a homeowner wants to fix their heating and cooling network on their own, they may have to purchase various types of equipment in the process.

Meanwhile, professional HVAC companies have a wide array of equipment and supplies at their disposal. They have all the tools they need to properly address whatever problem your system may have.

Call a Professional HVAC Contractor
Do you need reliable heating and AC service in Wichita? Get in touch with the Roth Heating & Air team today and enjoy the benefits of working with a professional HVAC company.

Different Services Offered by a Heating and Air Conditioning Company

Do you need the assistance of an HVAC company like Roth Heating & Air? There are many heating and cooling services that a typical contractor will offer. Being more familiar with what they provide can help you figure out when you should hire one. Read on to learn more about some of the services of an HVAC contractor.

Setup or Installation
An essential furnace and AC service that a contractor provides is to install HVAC equipment. This service includes planning the placement and installing the network of ducts for centralized HVAC systems. A professional contractor knows all the proper installation protocols for each kind of heating and cooling system. They can help ensure you have the optimal setup for your space.

System Replacement
HVAC companies also offer replacement services, which are great if your HVAC is old. These services involve taking out all the outdated and irreparable components of your heating and AC system and putting in new equipment. This is a great way to keep your HVAC system updated with the latest technology.

Installing a replacement system also involves evaluating how much load an HVAC can carry to maintain the temperature in your space. Roth Heating & Air offers a heating and cooling load analysis for replacement systems at no obligation or cost to clients.

Maintenance and Cleaning
A company that provides heating and cooling services often offers a complete maintenance regimen for all types of HVACs. The contractor will go over the entire system and check each part to make sure everything is in good shape. This service includes some of the following procedures:

  • Looking for refrigerant leaks
  • Checking refrigerant levels
  • Tightening electrical connections
  • Lubrication of parts
  • Clearing drain lines
  • Inspecting controls
  • Calibrating the thermostat

Cleaning is an essential part of maintenance since dirt and grime can reduce its efficiency. So, a professional contractor also cleans the HVAC equipment and ductwork and change or wash the system filters.

Call Roth Heating & Air Today!
Roth Heating & Air provides various residential and commercial services for heating and cooling. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about what our company has to offer. We provide our heating and AC services 7 days a week.

Benefits of a Central Heating and Cooling System

Professional Heating and Cooling Service

There are many kinds of residential heating and cooling available today. One of the most common is the central HVAC network. In this setup, the cooling and heating process takes place in one location, and a series of fans and ducts distribute air around the home.

Having this HVAC system in your home has many benefits. Read on to learn about some of these advantages.

Uniform Home Temperature Control
Having central HVAC allows you to heat or cool your entire home all at once. Unlike split systems, which have one unit per space, you can conveniently control your home temperature from a single thermostat.

This allows you to set a uniform temperature for your entire home. However, if you only want to cool or warm certain rooms and exclude the rest, you can opt for a central HVAC with zoning features. This has discs or dampers in the ductwork to redirect the airflow to the rooms you want to be warmed or cooled. Either way, you can conveniently control the temperature of your entire home with a centralized system.

Cleaner Air
Homes with central HVACs tend to have cleaner air than those without. Since the central heating and cooling system is responsible for circulating air throughout your home, the air from all the rooms will be processed by the HVAC at some point. This means that any tiny foreign particles will be caught by the system’s filters and removed from the air you breathe.

Less Humidity
If you live in a particularly humid area, it may be best to install a central heating and air conditioning system to keep air moisture in check. The HVAC can remove extra moisture when the air touches its cold evaporator coil. The vapor condenses into water, which is then collected by the system and drained outside your home.

Reach Out to Roth Heating & Air
Give Roth Heating & Air in Wichita, KS a call for professional HVAC installation. We handle central air conditioner units and offer combo package units from different manufacturers like Rheem and Amana.

Understanding Furnace and AC Maintenance Plans

furnace and ac maintenance plans

Repairs aren’t the only reason you should call an HVAC contractor. Like all machines, HVAC systems need regular maintenance to help optimize their performance and extend their life span. Nowadays, you can conveniently schedule routine tune-ups by getting heating and cooling maintenance plans. But, what exactly do these plans entail? Read on to understand what type of services they can include.

  • Changing or Cleaning Filters
    Every 3 months, HVAC filters need to be replaced or cleaned, depending on whether you use disposable or washable variants. If you have pets or people in your household that are prone to allergies, you can have the filters changed or washed more often to help maintain your home’s air quality.
  • Clearing Indoor Vent Openings
    Indoor vent openings need to be clear of any obstructions to ensure proper airflow to the HVAC system. The maintenance team can check if any changes in the home, like furniture relocation, block these vents.
  • Removing Debris From the Outdoor Unit
    The outdoor unit, which contains the condenser, is exposed to the elements. Dirt and debris enter the unit through its numerous openings and also accumulate on its exterior. It must be regularly cleaned to optimize its performance and restore airflow.
  • Checking Electrical Connections
    An essential part of a typical furnace and AC tune-up session is to inspect the system’s electrical connections. Maintenance professionals can help you find and repair loose wiring or faulty connections, which can be fire and electrocution hazards.
  • Inspecting the Thermostat
    The thermostat measures and regulates the temperature in your home. If it is broken or improperly calibrated, it will be difficult to control how hot or cold it should be at home. Most maintenance plans include inspecting and recalibrating the thermostat to ensure optimal system performance.

Get in Touch With Roth Heating & Air
Do you want to learn more about heating and cooling maintenance plans? Reach out to Roth Heating & Air in Wichita. Our team of professional HVAC technicians can recommend a care program for your specific system and explain the different parts of our maintenance agreement.